Rugged Windows Tablets VS Rugged Android Tablets

Rugged Windows Tablets VS Rugged Android Tablets

2022-06-29 By UNIWA

In recent years, both Windows industrial tablets and Android industrial tablets have been widely used in workshops, machinery, medical care, transportation and production automation, etc. The operating system has become one of the major factors that you need to consider when choosing a rugged tablet for your industrial use.

WinPad W108 Rugged tablet (11)
Model: WinPad W108

Of the commercially available OS options, the three most common are Apple iOS, Windows and Android.

Apple iOS is mostly used within the consumer markets, although it has some limited uses in enterprises. This operating system is not a good fit for many industrial or field-based applications.

In addition, Apple devices do not function well with applications that require heavy barcode scanning without additional accessories.

Windows has been around for decades, having being created back in the 1980s. Over the years, it has established itself strongly within the business and industrial arena.

Android operating system has a strong footing within the consumer market, but it has gained popularity within the business and industrial space.

Therefore, in this article, we will describe the most common operating systems-Windows and Android - in rugged tablets.

UNIWA T85S Rugged Tablet PC
Model: UNIWA T85S

Advantages of Windows Operating System

  1. High Performance

Windows industrial tablets are high-performing and capable of increasing multitasking, an increasingly essential trait of a tablet used in the field. In addition, the Windows operating system is robust enough to handle applications with comparable loads to gaming and intelligent video conferencing.

  1. Compatibility with other devices

Windows devices in general tend to be compatible with most external devices, as they have the necessary drivers to support such connections. This includes keyboards, mouse, printer or scanner.

This is convenient for users because they can acquire new devices as per their needs without worrying about their compatibility to the window devices. Windows devices also have several USB ports to connect to the external devices, therefore users don’t have to rely on other wireless connection options. In addition, Windows tablets would contain HD-MI for connecting other devices and presenting equipment.

  1. Mobile Device Management (MDM)

MDM basically involves monitoring and managing mobile devices such as laptops, smartphones and tablets used within an organization to enhance data security and productivity of employees. MDM is mostly implemented by use of a third-party software.

If you are using Windows, you will not require to use third party software for MDM because this functionality is incorporated within Windows. This goes a long way in lowering your operational costs.

  1. Variety of Options

Windows tablets come in different shapes, sizes and types. This allows the user to select the optimal size for the application. 

Disadvantages of Windows Operating System

  1. High Price: Windows tablets that have adequate features to meet your industrial needs tend to be more expensive. It is possible to get a cheaper Windows tablet, however, they may not have the same functionality as the more expensive ones.
  2. Limited Applications: Windows operating system has limited applications compared to Android. New applications may even fail to install or fail to run properly due to incompatibility with the operating system.
WinPad W87 Rugged tablet (9)
Model: WinPad W87

Advantages of Android Operating System

  1. Cost efficiency

Although Windows tablets enjoy a robust, mature OS capable of performing nearly any task, users may not always need a powerful system. This is because the processor, graphics, and RAM are always present, whether the operator uses their full capability or not. Android OS can be application-specific, promoting a customized architecture that reduces overall hardware costs. In addition, Android carries a significantly lower license fee.

The combination of more flexible hardware options and reduced license fees make the Android tablet a cost-effective solution by enabling developers to avoid platform-specific code specifications.

  1. Google Integration and open source

Android rugged tablets can easily be integrated with Google. The contents on Google Play are also easily accessible with an Android rugged tablet. So, users can download a variety of applications as and when required.

In addition, the Android system is open source and allows software modification, which to a large extent allows Android industrial tablets manufacturers to change the software version according to their own hardware.

3. Familiarity

Given that Android started off as a smartphone operating system, it is likely that most employees are familiar with it and can comfortably navigate without difficulties.

Disadvantages of Android Operating System

1. Low performance: Android devices have low computing power and lower storage, which means they are not the best if you are using a large size of software or for running multiple applications at a time. The bright side of their low computing power is that they tend to retain their batteries for long and can be used for a whole shift without running out of power.

2. Requires a third-party MDM tool: Unlike Windows rugged tablets, Android rugged tablets do not have an MDM tool embedded in it. To manage the usage of the devices, an MDM tool will have to be purchased from a vendor, which leads to additional costs.

3. Limited periphery connection: Android rugged tablets do not have various drivers to support connection of external devices. The number of ports available in Android rugged tablet is also limited, therefore you may have to depend on Wi-Fi or BT connections, which sometimes fail to function.

QCOM P888 Rugged Tablet PC
Model: QCOM P888 


Both Windows and Android operating systems have their pros and cons. The issue is not about which one is better than the other. There are some tasks or scenarios where one operating system will be best suited for, but that does not mean the other one cannot function. Ultimately, to choose one over another depends on what is best suited to meet your company's needs.

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